This blog is my attempt to document our busy but BLESSED lives raising and educating our children for His glory. A child of God, wife to one, and mom to 6 fabulous kids. We are in our 16th year of homeschooling using a Classical ~ Literature based approach.

Come along for the good, the bad & the ugly.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Our new home in VA

The Lord has blessed us with the opportunity to purchase another house in Virginia while still keeping our house here in WA. We will be moving and closing in mid-July. Mike picked out the house, from lot to colors, the whole 9 yards. I have only seen the house through pictures from our fabulous Realtor, Debbie. The house is not completely finished yet, but should be done by the beginning of July.

Our house here in WA has ben rented after 3 months on the rental market, Praise the Lord! Getting it rented was such a stressful expierence for me. The whole time I prayed that we would have a renter before we leave WA for VA. Through all the stressful times and heartfelt prayers, God was listening ( not ignoring me) and waiting for the right family to fill our home. He did it in His time, not ours, and we had to put our faith in the whole process that our prayers would be fulfilled. Sometimes that is such a hard lesson to learn, that God works in His own timeframe. I was given this quote from a friend and fellow blogger and thought it was perfect for this situation, thanks Emily :-)

"The Lord puts challenges in your path to mold your character. For your own personal growth He will often let you struggle with a matter for a while, even when you are pleading for help. But as you follow true principles, He will finally see you through. He intends that when you have reached your extremity, you will turn to Him for comfort, peace, and assistance. He will send these through the quiet prompting of the Spirit. He will give reassurance and guidance that are essential to correct decisions in your life. "You are learning powerful, eternal lessons. Be sure you understand them. The Lord does not abandon your urgent pleas, nor is He ever, for even a moment, unmindful of your anguish and heartache. He hears every supplication. He invariable answers according to spiritual law. Understanding that law will help you appreciate how the Lord answers your prayer. His silence and seeming absence at times are a powerful means of expanding your vision and understanding as you continue in faith to do your best."
~Richard G. Scott

1 comment:

  1. Enjoy your new home and new adventure. I'm impressed your husband picked out everything. I couldn't handle that! LOL
