This blog is my attempt to document our busy but BLESSED lives raising and educating our children for His glory. A child of God, wife to one, and mom to 6 fabulous kids. We are in our 16th year of homeschooling using a Classical ~ Literature based approach.

Come along for the good, the bad & the ugly.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

It's official...

Mike and I have decided that we will home school our girls for the coming school year. The girls will start A Stable Beginning Christian Academy using the Sonlight Cores for 1st, 3rd, & 7th grade curriculums in late August. After much prayer and thoughtful email/phone discussions with Mike for the past month and a half....this is the way the Lord is leading us for our girls next educational step. It is what we feel will be best for our girls at this time. After weeks and weeks of research, input from others, I was drawn back to Sonlight's website. The girls will each take Latin America Spanish with the Rosetta Stone program. I am going to refresh my Spanish skills at the same time.

You can't ignore what the Lord says to you through prayer and guidance from others who are already on their homeschooling journeys. We want them to have a sane and biblically sound education and there is no way right now that we can send all the girls to a local Christian school, it just is not financially possible without us eating beans and weenies morning, noon, and night (we kind of like steak and potatoes sometimes).

The Hampton Roads area of Virginia has many home school co-ops and support groups to help newbies like me, and for field trips, etc. Check back often as I post what we are doing in our classroom.

Homeschooling might seem difficult at times, but so are a lot of things in life, but in the end it will be a lifetime reward. I am positive that the girls will excel with this new one-on-one learning, why else would the Lord lead us to it? It all comes down to having faith. No, not my baby Faith, but FAITH-Faith is the confident belief or trust in the truth of or trustworthiness of a person, idea, or thing. Got Faith? We do, and the Lord will guide me in teaching the girls, and I just have to be obedient and follow his guidance. That is the only way we will succeed.


  1. i love the sign.... how true is that!
    i am sooo proud of you and mike.

  2. Good for you both, choosing to homeschool your beautiful children. We love homeschooling so much, it makes a family so close and connected. I wouldn't do it any other way right now.

    Lisa ;)

  3. You have made a wise decision. I began homeschooling my eldest child when she was in 7th grade. The following year, I began homeschooling my 2 boys, who were going into the 5th and 1st grades. They are all grown now - all graduated from homeschooling - and doing great in their adult lives. All have moved out and support themselves. I have never regretted homeschooling my children. I am now homeschooling my grandson.

  4. Sounds good to me!! I have a friend of mine who homeschools her son and she loves it and is so glad she decided to that. I believe in whatever works for you and your family.

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