This blog is my attempt to document our busy but BLESSED lives raising and educating our children for His glory. A child of God, wife to one, and mom to 6 fabulous kids. We are in our 16th year of homeschooling using a Classical ~ Literature based approach.

Come along for the good, the bad & the ugly.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Imagine Children's Museum

We spent the day at the local children's museum today for a friends daughter's birthday. The girls had a blast, starting from our adventures of trying to find a parking spot. I can not parallel park at all, so that was not an option, after driving around the block a few times we finally found a spot, real close by to the entrance. It was a nice day today so the rooftop playground was open. We spent over an hour up there with the girls playing. Montana went down the slides probably 50+ times after getting over her initial fear. The slides were fast so she fell off of them a few times but enjoyed every moment. Madison & Mikayla enjoyed the airplane, pretending to be the pilot and flight attendant. We even found there was an intercom inside the plane, which was fun. Marie hung out with Montana for much of the day and played with her. It was a great day!


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