Monday, February 16, 2009

Menu Plan Feb. wk 3

Click here to check out Org Junkie for many more menu plan ideas. You can even link in your own menu plan as well!

M-cereal, orange juice,milk
T-wheat bagel, cantaloupe, milk
W-toast, banana, milk
TH-Maine pumpkin bread, grapes, milk
F-cold cereal, 100% orange juice, milk

T-chkn veggie bake, hm biscuits, peaches, milk
W-shredded beef, hm buttery bread machine rolls, mashed potatoes, green beans, milk
TH-oven roasted chkn, alfredo, corn on the cob, pineapples, milk
F-hm pizza bread, applesauce, garden salad, milk

PM Snacks:
M-peanut butter pretzels, milk
T-animal crackers, apple slices
W-wheat ritz, oranges
TH-saltines, cheese slice
F-wheat snack crackers, 100% juice

M-leftover pasta, butter rolls
T-pot roast, hm buttery bread machine rolls, carrots & red potatoes, green beans
W-roasted chkn,au gratin potatoes, corn on the cob, pineapples
TH-hm pizza rolls, applesauce
F- eat out: Subway sandwiches, chips
S-FFY(fend for yourself) aka- leftovers
SU-chkn strips, bread sticks, applesauce, corn

Thursday, February 12, 2009

I have been away...

Sorry for the delay in updating the blog. Life is good on the homefront as well as daycare. God is doing AWESOME things in our life these last few weeks even when others or things try to bring us down. It has been busy here and I have been extremely tired at the end of the day thanks to our newest bundle of joy growing and developing inside me, Caffey baby #5!!!(no, I am not praying for a boy, just a healthy baby) Craving pancakes and salads too, hmmm. I guess it could be worse. I will have the January totals done this weekend and catch up with February. I do have to say that this week I went over budget big time and I didn't take pictures because I was SO TIRED. I know you are not supposed to go to the store when your hungry, let alone when you are a pregnant,hungry lady with 4 little ones in tow, but I did because I needed to get the shopping done. Yea, not a good idea. But we live and learn, right?. Until next time....

PS. To my pleasant surprise I have 4, yes 4 followers. Thanks all I can't wait to check out your blogs and comment.