This blog is my attempt to document our busy but BLESSED lives raising and educating our children for His glory. A child of God, wife to one, and mom to 6 fabulous kids. We are in our 16th year of homeschooling using a Classical ~ Literature based approach.

Come along for the good, the bad & the ugly.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

M-O-M, I lost my tooth!!!

That is the scream I heard this morning while getting breakfast prepared. Madison came running downstairs and proudly showed off her grin. She has been working on getting this tooth out for quite awhile, if you look closely you can see the big tooth starting to pop out from the 1st top tooth that was lost around Thanksgiving time. Unfortunately, Mommy accidently misplaced the tooth so the Tooth Fairy could not come to visit, Daddy made up for Mommy's mistake and gave her $3.00 :-)

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Christmas 2008 memories

Montana's beam routine

Santa brought me a LEO!

Montana was SO EXCITED this morning when she opened her present from Santa. He granted her wish for a red LEO. She was so excited about it and the other leo's from big sister Raven that she didn't want to open the other presents. I am trying to upload a slide show of Montana's show with modeling all her LEO's and her beam routine, hopefully I can figure it out.

Stepping stones

Everyone always says the girls look like stepping stones when they line up by age. Here they are on Christmas Eve right before bed.

May your Heart be warm with the blessings of Christmas

Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is Christ the Lord.
Luke 2:11

Merry Christmas!

Love the Caffey's

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Santa's Den II

Nobody said I had to look at him :-)

Santa's Den

Waiting for Santa

Today was the big day to see the "Big Guy" in the red suit. Cadie has been talking about going to see Santa for about a week. We finally made it out late this afternoon. We went to a place called Santa's Den here in town. Mike had seen the signs when he was out the day before at the post office. We usually go to the mall on Christmas Eve, but because of our adverse weather conditions we decided to stick closer to home. Did I mention it is supposed to snow AGAIN tonight and tomorrow :-) When we arrived at Santa's Den it was packed. I waited in line and paid for our picture package only to find out we were number 69, and they were only on number 44. So, we patiently waited to see Santa for 3 hours! He did poke his head out of the enclosed room he was in and waved at the kids as they eagerly awaited their turns. Cadie was excited when it was our turn and hurriedly walked into the room and gave Santa a big wave and the Caffey Grin. All the girls took their turns on the "Big Guys" lap, and told him what they would like: Raven-Limited too clothes; Saige- ATM piggy bank; Trinity- a new American Doll; Cadie- a red leo ( gymnastics leotard). Enjoy the pictures!

Monday, December 22, 2008

Okay, enough already! It has been snowing since Dec. 16th. We have had LOTS of snow, enough to last until spring. We will definitely be having a "White Christmas" this year as the temperatures are not expected to reach above freezing until after the New Year, YIKES! It has been downright C-O-L-D here, sometimes the temperature gauge read "0" degrees. Yes, you read that right, "0" degrees!!!! The girls had a blast playing in it, however, it is not all that fun having to shovel the driveway.

Welcome to the club!

Mikayla has officially joined the "gallbladder club", becoming the youngest member of the family to have her gallbladder removed. Surgery was scheduled for the 18 Dec. at Seattle's Children's Hospital @ 1230pm. Of course, we had a snow storm on Tuesday night, did you see our cute snow day pictures. So, we loaded the family into the Odyssey and began our venture down to Children's through the snow. We ended up arriving two hours early and getting into surgery ahead of our scheduled time because the people in front of us canceled because of the storm. Even the doctor, Dr. Avansino had a hard time getting to the hospital. Everything thing went perfect!!! Mikayla and I stayed the night at the hospital while Mike and the other girls stayed at a local hotel for the night. All through the night Mikayla kept waking up and requesting eggs and bacon, and the nurses kept bringing jello, yogurt, pudding, and three boxes of cereal . The nurses finally granted her wish of eggs and bacon at 815am when they delivered her breakfast tray :-) Needless to say, she was thrilled. Mikayla and Trixie, the dog, were released from the hospital on the 19th, and we made our trek back home. She is recovering greatly and she should be back to her normal self by the end of the year.